lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Libya: Bloody fight for Benghazi.

Gaddafi today claimed his troops had reached the outskirts of Benghazi, where the demonstrators are holding out.
The protesters insist the forces loyal to the Mad Dog dictator are nowhere near.
But as the heavy tanks and artillery inch closer, young men in the eastern city are volunteering to undergo training to help battle against Gaddafi's army.
The tyrant went on to national radio to warn rebels: "We are coming tonight and there won't be any mercy."
He warned them to stay indoors but defiant rebels flooded the city streets in their thousands to chant anti-government slogans.
As the highly trained troops edge closer to the city, fears are growing that a tragedy is just hours away.
The government has announced a temporary ceasefire on Sunday to allow the rebels to surrender.
But the anti-Gaddafi forces — who have held the city for the past three weeks — say they would rather die than surrender.
The unrepentant dictator has said he will go on national TV tonight to address the people of Benghazi directly.
As panic over the conflict rises, foreign doctors from international charity Medecin Sans Frontiers have been pulled out of the city to safety.
Bloodshed now seems inevitable — despite Gaddafi being quoted on state TV as saying the city will "fall without fighting".
Diary: The Sun.


Title: Libya: Bloody fight for Benghazi.

CI: Gaddafi today claimed his troops had reached the outskirts of Benghazi, where the demonstrators are holding out.

MI: The protesters insist the forces loyal to the Mad Dog dictator are nowhere near.
But as the heavy tanks and artillery inch closer, young men in the eastern city are volunteering to undergo training to help battle against Gaddafi's army.
MSI: Bloodshed now seems inevitable — despite Gaddafi being quoted on state TV as saying the city will "fall without fighting".

ING: holding, volunteering, training, coming, growing, being, saying, fighting.

Referent:his, where, we, he, them, their, that, who, they, he.
Gadafi afirmó hoy que sus tropas habían llegado a las afueras de Bengasi,donde los manifestantes están resistiendo.

Los manifestantes insisten en que las fuerzas leales al dictador Perro Bravo no están en inguna parte cerca.

Pero a medida que los tanques pesados ​​y artillería se acerca, los hombres jóvenes en la ciudad oriental son voluntarios de una formación para ayudar a luchar contra el ejército de Gaddafi.

El tirano fue a la radio nacional para advertir a los rebeldes: "Estamos llegando esta noche y no habrá ningún tipo de misericordia."

Les advirtió a quedarse en casa, pero los rebeldes desafiantes inundaron las calles de la ciudad a miles de consignas contra el gobierno.

Como las tropas altamente capacitadas se acercan a la ciudad,aumentan los temores de que una tragedia esté sólo horas de distancia.

El gobierno ha anunciado un alto al fuego temporal el domingo para permitir a los rebeldes rendirse.

Pero las fuerzas anti-Gaddafi - que han ocupado la ciudad durante las últimas tres semanas - dicen que prefieren morir antes que rendirse.

El dictador no arrepentido, ha dicho que saldrá en la noche en televisión nacional para hacer frente a la gente de Bengasi directamente.

Como pánico por las subidas de los conflictos, los médicos extranjeros de la caridad internacional Medecin Sans Frontiers han sido sacados de la ciudad a la seguridad.

El derramamiento de sangre ahora parece inevitable - a pesar de que Gadafi secita a la televisión estatal diciendo que la ciudad se "caerá sin luchar".

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