sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Bin Laden shot in just his pants

OSAMA Bin Laden was shot dead wearing just his underpants, a US senator revealed yesterday.

 James Inhofe spoke after seeing top-secret photos from the scene of the terror leader's shooting by US Navy Seals in Pakistan on May 2.
He said: "Two of them showed that he had what you would call underwear on, that was about it.
"The pictures are gruesome, of course, because they were taken right after the incident.
"The bullet either went in the ear and out the eyeball or in the eyeball and out the ear.
"People out there say, 'I want to see the pictures.' But I've already seen them, That was him. He's gone. He's history."
It is believed the Republican member of the US Senate Armed Services Committee is the first senator allowed to view the pictures.
Senator Inhofe also said Bin Laden's beard was a "little bit shorter" and "more salt and pepper" than in pictures taken in the past.
The details came as it was revealed Bin Laden had ordered an apocalyptic terror strike on Los Angeles - with simultaneous attacks on aircraft AND trains.
The terrorist fiend was desperate to unleash an even bigger atrocity than the September 11, 2001 horror, his secret diaries show.
And he urged followers to target the city on a significant date like the tenth anniversary of 9/11 or America's Independence Day on July 4.

Title: Bin Laden shot in just his pants

CI: OSAMA Bin Laden was shot dead wearing just his underpants, a US senator revealed yesterday.

MI:  James Inhofe spoke after seeing top-secret photos from the scene of the terror leader's shooting by US Navy Seals in Pakistan on May 2.
He said: "Two of them showed that he had what you would call underwear on, that was about it."

MSI: It is believed the Republican member of the US Senate Armed Services Committee is the first senator allowed to view the pictures.

ING: wearing, seeing, shooting.

Referent: His, that, he, that, it, they, them, that, him, he, he, it, his, he.

The Sun


 Osama Bin Laden fue asesinado a tiros vistiendo sólo su ropa interior, reveló un senador de EE.UU. ayer.
  James Inhofe dijo después de ver fotos confidenciales de la escena del líder terrorista tiroteado por las Navy Seals de Estados Unidos en Pakistán el 02 de mayo.

Él dijo: "Dos de ellos mostraron que tenía lo que se dice ropa interior, eso era todo".

"Las imágenes son horribles, por supuesto, ya que fueron tomadas inmediatamente después del incidente".
"La bala fue bien en el oído y el ojo o en el globo ocular y el oído".

"La gente por ahí dicen: 'Quiero ver las fotos." Pero ya las he visto, era él.Se ha ido. El es historia".

Se cree que el miembro republicano de la Comisión de Servicios Armados del Senado de Estados  Unidos es el primer senador al que se le permitio ver las imágenes.

El Senador Inhofe dijo también que la barba de Bin Laden era "un poco corta y "mas sal y pimienta" que las imágenes tomadas en el pasado.

Los detalles vinieron como se reveló que Bin Laden había ordenado un ataque terrorista apocalíptico en Los Angeles - con ataques simultáneos contra aviones y trenes.

El demonio terrorista estaba desesperado por liberar una atrocidad todavía mayor que la del 11 de septiembre de 2001 de terror, sus espectáculos de diarios secretos.
E instó a los seguidores a la ciudad de destino en una fecha significativa como el décimo 
aniversario del 9 / 11 o Día de la Independencia de Estados Unidos el 4 de julio.

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