sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

WikiLeaks: Osama bin Laden killed after tip-offs from Guantanamo The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, who was interrogated using “torture” techniques, gave the United States the breakthrough that resulted in the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), who was repeatedly subjected to methods including “waterboarding” and stress positions, provided the CIA with the name of bin Laden’s personal courier, according to US officials.
A second source – also an al-Qaeda “leader” held at Guantanamo Bay – then confirmed the courier’s identity, sparking an intense manhunt that resulted in the dramatic final raid.
Secret documents seen by The Daily Telegraph disclose that this second source – the terrorist operations chief, Abu Faraj al-Libi – played a key role in finding “safe havens” for bin Laden and lived in the military town where he was finally found.
The killing of the world’s most wanted man as a direct result of information obtained from Guantanamo detainees such as KSM will reignite the debate over whether torture is a legitimate interrogation technique in the "war on terror". Both KSM and al-Libi were subjected to harsh techniques during their interrogations in CIA prisons.
Amnesty International has already warned that the killing of bin Laden must not be used as evidence that torture is “justifiable”.

The Telegraph

Title: WikiLeaks: Osama bin Laden killed after tip-offs from Guantanamo The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, who was interrogated using “torture” techniques, gave the United States the breakthrough that resulted in the killing of Osama bin Laden.

MI: Amnesty International has already warned that the killing of bin Laden must not be used as evidence that torture is “justifiable”.

ING: including, waterboarding, according, sparking, finding, killing, during, killing.

Referent: who, that, that, this, he, their, that, that, where.


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), que fue sometido en varias ocasiones a métodos incluyendo "el submarino" posturas de tensión, proporcionó a la CIA con el nombre del correo personal de Bin Laden, según funcionarios de EE.UU.
Una segunda fuente - también un líder de Al-Qaeda, situado en la Bahía de Guantánamo - a continuación, confirmó la identidad del correo, lo que desató una intensa búsqueda que dio como resultado la incursión del final dramático.

Documentos secretos visto por The Daily Telegraph revelan que esta segunda fuente - el jefe de operaciones terroristas, Abu Faraj al-Libi - jugó un papel clave en la búsqueda de"refugio seguro" de Bin Laden y vivía en la ciudad militar, donde fue finalmente encontrado.

El asesinato del hombre más buscado del mundo como resultado directo de la información obtenida de los detenidos de Guantánamo como KSM reavivará el debate sobre si la tortura es una técnica de interrogación legítima en la "guerra contra el terror". Tanto KSM y Al-Libi fueron sometidos a duras técnicas durante los interrogatorios en las prisiones dela CIA.
La Amnistía Internacional ya ha advertido que la muerte de Bin Laden no debe ser utilizado como prueba de que la tortura es "justificable".

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