sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Osama bin Laden son 'disappeared during compound raid'

Pakistani security officials believe a member of the bin Laden household has disappeared since the raid, further deepening the confusion about who was killed.
It is understood that three of bin Laden’s widows, currently in Pakistani custody, have told interrogators that one son has not been seen since the operation.
The fresh details raise fears that the al-Qaeda leader’s youngest son and closest confidant, Hamza, may have escaped capture.
The White House initially claimed that Hamza, 20, had been killed at the house in Abbottabad, about 30 miles from Islamabad. Officials later said his 22-year-old brother Khalid had been killed instead.
On Tuesday night an intelligence source in Islamabad told The Daily Telegraph that shifting accounts of what had happened, coupled with the widows’ testimony, left them unable to account for one person who they believe had been living at the house.
“We don’t know if it was his son. Someone, one person may have been in the compound that we now cannot account for if - we believe what we are being told,” he said.
Bin Laden, who was married five times, had as many as 24 children.
No-one knows for certain who was in the compound where bin Laden had lived, hidden in plain sight, for five years.

The Daily Telegraph

Title: Osama bin Laden son 'disappeared during compound raid'.
MI: The fresh details raise fears that the al-Qaeda leader’s youngest son and closest confidant, Hamza, may have escaped capture.

MSI: On Tuesday night an intelligence source in Islamabad told The Daily Telegraph that shifting accounts of what had happened, coupled with the widows’ testimony, left them unable to account for one person who they believe had been living at the house.

ING: Deepening, shifting, living, being.

Referent: who, that, that, that, that, that, them, who, they, his, that, who, who, where,


 Los funcionarios de seguridad paquistaníes creen que un miembro de la casa ha desaparecido desde la incursión, profundizando aún más la confusión sobre quién fue asesinado.
Se entiende que tres de las  viudas de Bin Laden, actualmente en custodia paquistaní, le han dicho a los interrogadores que un hijo no ha sido visto desde la operación.
Los nuevos detalles hacen temer que el hijo menor del líder de Al Qaeda confidente más cercano, Hamza, puede haber escapado a la captura.
La Casa Blanca afirmó inicialmente que Hamza, de 20, había sido asesinado en la casa de Abbottabad, a unos 30 kilómetros de IslamabadLos funcionarios más tarde dijeron que su hermano Khalid de 22 años de edad, había sido asesinado en su lugar.
La noche del martes una fuente de inteligencia en Islamabad dijo a The Daily Telegraph que el cambio de cuentas de lo que había sucedido, junto con el testimonio de las viudas, los dejó incapaz de dar cuenta de una persona que ellos creen que había estado viviendo en la casa.
"No sabemos si era su hijo. Alguien, una persona puede haber estado en el recinto que hora no podemos darnos cuentas si - creemos que lo que están diciendo ", dijo.
Bin Laden, quien se casó cinco veces, tenía 24 niños.
Nadie sabe a ciencia cierta que se encontraba en el recinto donde Bin Laden había vivido, ocultos a la vista, durante cinco años. 

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